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Inscription: 24 Mai 2014, 00:34
Messages: 467
Localisation: Palo Alto, CA
Nouveau message CTF-UTDM-WarriorsArena
Facing Worlds is one of UT's most iconic maps (technically Unreal's as well) and what I especially like about it are the numerous variations. I've got no less than 15 of them, the bulk of which are setup the same. Two towers on an orbiting platform in outer space.
Yet not all of the variants are in space. Some are very much planetside, on the ground.

What we have here is a massive map, but while the bases are in towers those aren't the only towers here. As the massive amount of space, it's about the same amount as from CTF-Face; maybe a little less... hard to appreciate from an endless starfield.

Nelsona had to correct pathing and some other problems I couldn't, apparently the extra towers were copied from the main two and that, in turn, copied pathing into them. Extra unnecessary defense points needed to be removed.

For such a large playing area, each team has all 3 kinds of UTDM-monsters.

Usual Suspects:
.u - /system
.unr - /maps
png - Pwetty!


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