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Inscription: 24 Mai 2014, 00:34
Messages: 467
Localisation: Palo Alto, CA
Nouveau message CTF-XV-UTDMS-Veniis
Buggie's original for ut99 had, in my estimation, way too many jeeps for such a relatively medium sized map; they had to go.
To be replaced by a different XV and a more friendly face.

Okay, maybe "friendly" isn't the right word.

I'd already gotten Buggie's permission to edit his conversion...

...but I went to get it from SexyBack too:
Unfortunately, SB doesn't have any contact info.

Oh well.

I left the weapons racks and I added something else from XV, which isn't technically a "vehicle".
On either side of each base are 2 raised platforms, ideal for sniping... and it seemed to me there was enough room for a turret up there.

To get up there you simply use the opposite side jump-pads (right one bounces up left & vice versa) or I suppose "jump-ponds" might be more accurate, which are directly in front of the flag area.

Usual Suspects
.u - /system
.unr - /maps
png - Pwetty!


You can get Xvehicles here · · which you need to make this work!

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