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 Ajout GameTypes BountyHunters BountyHuntersB8 
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Inscription: 01 Oct 2008, 01:14
Messages: 5598
Nouveau message Ajout GameTypes BountyHunters BountyHuntersB8
Se joue en DM avec 0 frag limite.

Spoiler: Afficher
Stick the .u and .int in your UnrealTournament\System directory. In UT select the Bounty Hunters game type and set a time limit with a frag limit of 0. You should probably have the minimum amount of players suggested for a map (usually no less than 3, though, unless it's a one on one map) to make stealth a more viable option and such. It is also recomended that you not use any mutators (unless it's made specificly for BH, which I might do some day if I can think of anything good).

Makes y'all bounty hunters w/ a bunch of gadgets on yer wrists!

Everyone has a price on their head based on which and how many bounty hunters they've killed. Your rank is based on your bounty, which increases by the bounty of anyone you kill. Thus your bounty is like your reputation. Understand? No? Too bad, figure it out. You also get paid the bounty of anyone you kill, obviously.

As bounty hunters, everyone begins with a railgun for sniping, and two gauntlets with several gadget on each. You also have a rocket pack, and a helmet with targeting information and an oxygen supply.

Kills any bounty hunters you hit in one shot. The slug passes through most anything except walls. A head shot will blast their head off with a nice big splash o' blood. A shot to the torso will blast one o' their organs out. A leg shot will blast a big hunk o' their leg off.

Mini Rockets:
Miniature rockets that have little splash damage but can kill with one direct hit.

Poison-Tipped Darts:
Darts that poison anyone unlucky enough to be pricked with them. The dart itself does no damage, so you can easily shoot them from behind and walk away without them knowing. After a few seconds, they will begin to take an increasingly large amount of damage until they die.

Wrist Blades:
Sneak up behind someone and stab 'em in the back. Or you could stab 'em head on a few times.

Grappling Beam:
Shoots a beam of grappling. Firing again or selecting a different gadget will disengage the beam.

Set 'em on fire an' watch 'em burn! If you get set on fire find water or die!

EMP Grenade:
A contact grenade that disables all helmet functions except for the oxygen and all of your weapons except wrist blades for a significant amount of time.

Primary Fire:
Use current gadget or railgun.
Make menu selection

Secondary Fire:
Select next gadget.
Select next menu item.

Walk + Secondary Fire:
Select previous gadget.
Select previous menu item.

Zoom in. At maximum zoom will zoom back out.

Walk + Zoom:
Zoom out. At minimum zoom will go to maximum zoom.

Buy Menu:
Opens/closes the buy menu.

Walk + Buy Menu:
Buys ammo for the currently selected gadget.

Walk In Air Near An Object:
Perform a wall jump.

Duck In Air Near An Object:
Perform a triangle jump.

New sounds.
New graphics.
Multiplayer support (don't count on it anytime soon).

make grapple not detatch when switching modes(???)
visor cracks
flamer making flames on ground(?) fire splashing off walls(?)
rolling fire out
do something w/ grapple view rotation(?)
easter eggs
random pawns

EMPd people have zappyness around them or their equipment (rogue leader ion cannon-like)
rocket pack smoke
shields (along the lines of Deus Ex)(?)
See upgrades. They might help.

finish zoom crosshair (add an enlarging mini rocket crosshair?)
railgun shoot through walls(?)
See upgrades.
merge grapple and old rope(??)

buyable upgrades (good 'n' expensive, but kept after death) maybe salvagable parts?
Recharge Time Reduction (Advanced Generator) ¥2000
Shoot Through Walls (Lengthened Rails?) ¥1500
Homing (w/ window that shows current target) ¥1500 *IMPLEMENTED*
Incendiary (WP Coating)(?) ¥1000
Radius Damage/Range Increase(?!) ¥1250
Disintegrating + Soundless when striking walls ¥2000 blah
Poison Potency Increase(?) ¥1500 blah
Instant Hitting (Advanced Projection System) ¥1000
Length Increase + speed increase (War Blades) ¥1500
Beam + speed increase (Industrial Cutting Blades) ¥2500
Range Increase + speed increase ¥2000
Fuel Tank Protection (if can explode when using) ¥1000
Blast Radius Range Increase ¥1750
Increased Disable Time ¥2000
Rear-view camera and/or zoomed camera (Make this be the HUD warning of the laser?) ¥1500
Make t.comp. have to be bought(?) ¥1500
Rear-Mounted Laser (+HUD warning?) (ZM-t Mounting Laser) ¥2000
X-Ray scope (using DrawActor, not lame sprites like U4e) ¥2000 ???
Radar that shows the aprox. location of your best target ¥1750
Rocket Pack(?)
Slower exceleration(??) ¥1500
Increased speed ¥1250
Rocket pack has to be bought(?) ¥2000
Some kinda cloking device and/or t.comp. transparency ¥3250
Shield (held in front when not using rail gun. protects against standard railgun,
standard rockets, darts, small blades and the tips of long blades, and hook) ¥2000
Energy Shield (bigger + better than shield. adds protection against upgraded rail
gun, upgraded rockets,long blades and the tips of beam blades, and flamer) ¥3250
Armor ¥1250
Wall Jump Boots! ¥1000
Poison Antidote ¥250

salvage ammo from defeated foes(?)
exploding flamer people(?)
investigate if ( Other.IsA('Carcass') ) (perhaps for salvaging? you haffta search bodies?)
figure out why the grappling beam's texture isn't being fire texturey
figure out why hook doesn't always pull you
add bot support
rocket pack fuel(?)
add dodge animations to wall jump boots
ensure readme is perfectly accurate
make a max ammo count for the various gadgets and display the flamer's as a vertical bar.
remove walk-activated wall jump(?) make walk + duck activate it instead of just walk?
figure out why darts don't always fire
make walk + rocket pack use grappling beam? what happens to the selectable one? what goes in it's place if removed?
improve fire effects
lower normal blades range when longer blades are added.
otehr game types?

new scoring. kill the leader for ¥500, 2nd place for ¥400, 3rd for ¥300, 4th for ¥200, and everything else ¥100 (or something like that). Thus, yer bounty is set specifically depending on yer rank. somethin' like that.
your bounty is increased by the ammounts above depending on rank of who you killed. when killed your rank decreases according to the opposite of the above scale. extra points awarded (and removed from the killed) for cool/skillful kills (railgun headshots, blade kills, esp. backstabs)
instead of score +/- by rank (possibility of total points in game changing), rank is +/- 1 number based on difference in rank (total bounty points is constant). if the weaker kills the stronger, +/- amout is directly proportional to rank difference. If the stronger kills the weaker, +/- amount is inversly proportional to rank difference.
if weaker kills stronger, weaker.score *= difference of rank. If stronger kills weaker, stronger.score *= total players/difference of rank.

ß8: Made the zoom bind in the UT controlls menu work properly.
Made you start with a little ammo and half as much money.
Changed the grapple icons and crosshair.
Shrunk the energy ball thing at the end of the grappling beam.
Added a bind for the buy menu.
Added a bind for the rocket pack (the wall jump boots were conflicting with the rocket pack).
Made bots unable to use the grappling beam.
Added a homing mini rocket upgrade in the equipment section of the buy menu.
Flamethrower's stream does more damage.
Got rid of the blood the dart made and put a green targeter in its place.
Went back to the old method of finding railgun accuracy. Crouching still is perfectly accurate, running around is innacurate.
Holding walk + the buy menu key now buys ammo for your currently selected weapon.
Holding walk no longer slows you down, so you can scroll backward and such more easily.
Got the railgun wave working.
Made your targetting computer not target flys and stationary pawns.
Grappling beam doesn't crash UT when it gets too long anymore. It has a maximum range now but it's pretty darn long.
Grappling beam doesn't kill you when you shoot the ground with it anymore.
Grappling beam doesn't keep going when it hits people anymore.
Grappling beam always pulls you now.
Fire and rocket pack light don't linger after death anymore.
Made the buy menu use Canvas.DrawText() rather than 2D images.
You can hurt people by wall-jumping off of them now.
Flaming people look better now.

ß7: Crosshairs don't scale depending on your resolution anymore.
Made the mini rocket's smoke different.
Removed the rope.
Made the rocket crosshair a little smaller and more accurate.
If you die while using the rocket pack, the light flare now goes away.
Money implemented.
Scoring changed. You're bounty now increases by the bounty of anyone you kill (again), and your money increased by their bounty.
When you get killed your bounty is decresed by 90%;
Everyone now starts with a bounty of ¥100 and ¥1000 to spend.
Ammo implemented. You now start with no ammo, but any that you buy stays through death until you use it. Still considering how to limit ammounts.
Buy menu implemented. Scroll past the EMP grenade to activate it. See CONTROLLS section for how to use it.
What little bot support there was was basically destroyed by the ammo and buying stuff. For now bots have infinite ammo.
Zoom scale no longer interferes with crosshair.
Added a hint of a special zoom crosshair.
Nothing hits as much lower and to the right of where you aim anymore.
You now lose 30% of your score for a self kill/fall/slime/etc.
Grappling hook is starting to look grappling-beam-like.
Added a zoom bind to the UT controlls menu.
The minirockets do a lttile less direct damage and a little more splash damage.
Minirockets' blast radius increased a bit.
You start with wall jump boots untill I make the equipment menu in the buy menu. Controlls are listed above.

ß6: Mini rockets make some more effects when they explode, some of which appear only in high detail mode, some not in DropDetailMode.
EMP grenade doesn't do damage again.
Zooming out with walk + Extra3 is now twice as fast as zooming in.
Mini rockets have a new light flare.
Mini rockets have some effects underwater now.
Grappling hook moves faster now.
Nothing hits as much lower and to the right of where you aim anymore.
Mini rockets have a new trail.
You can now strangle people by shooting them in the head with a rope.
Finally made custom crosshairs for all the gadgets.
First release made outside of WoD

ß5: Flamethrower flames don't disapear when they hit walls anymore.
Some things don't appear in DropDetailMode (mostly stuff that doesn't appear if not in high detail mode).
The flamethrower doesn't make noise underwater anymore.
The flamethrower has a new sound.
You don't have to jump to fly with the rocket pack now.
Made the railgun's accuracy depend on how fast you're moving (average of your X, Y, and Z axis velocities divided by 15 plus 2).
The grappling hook now has a cable.
Blades work when EMPd and are switched to automatically when EMPd.
Flamer gives you a slight speed increase and the blades give you a greater increase than before.
You don't black out when hit by the rope anymore.
The grappling hook doesn't mess with your view rotation anymore.
Railgun has a new sound.
Got rid of the ugly faint yellow squares around flamethrower flames, though I doubt anyone will notice.
Crouching increases your railgun accuracy even when moving (average of your X, Y, and Z axis velocities divided by 15).
EMP grenade now does 10 damage.
EMP doesn't have a random trajectory anymore.
The blades now act right, doing more damage than they did in previous versions, and killing if you hit someone in the back.
Added a light flare to the rocket pack.
Flamethrower's stream does more damage.

ß4: Made the darts create a small amount of blood when they hit people so you can tell if you hit them or not.
The railgun now is spot on while crouching, not as good while still, and worst when moving (no difference among running, walking, or rocketing).
The top edge of your visor no longer covers up the message box.
The rocket pack sounds more rocket pack-like.
You get a small speed boost when using the blades again because I realized that the rocket pack isn't very stealthy...
The message box is much simpler now because I thought it looked more fitting that way.
Flamethrower's stream does more damage.
Health is represented by a bar now rather than small text.
Flamethrower's stream is more random looking now.
Finally implemented the targeting computer.
Railgun's trace is longer now (the first one is 10 times longer, and after going through something is twice as long).
The blades and rope now affect your water speed as well as your ground speed.

ß3: Made a new rope icon. I thought the old one looked kinda silly.
Fire and poison don't go away when you teleport anymore.
If you kill yourself or fall into something bad and die, you lose 1/10 of your score rather than just a point.
Changed the way your oxygen is handled (no more SCUBA gear laying around).
Moved the mode icons farther to the right.
Added shinyness to your visor in an attempt to increase the illusion that you're looking out of a helmet (in high detail mode).
Furthered the development of the HUD.
Shows your rank and score (in ¥).
Below that it shows who's in first, and what their score is (in ¥). If you're in first, it does the same for whoever's in second.
You can tell a target's bounty (in ¥) now in addition to their name. You can also identify them from farther away.
Made a few more effects only appear in high detail mode.
The score board now labels players names as "Bounty Hunter" rather than "Player".
The score board now puts the "¥" in front of scores and displays scores as floating points rather than integers.
Made the rocket pack work differently. You kinda have to try it to understand it.
Using the blades no longer gives you a speed boost as you can now use you rocket pack to cover ground more quickly without moving upward.
When the hook hits it now pushes you up off the ground so you won't keep sliding around until you jump.

ß2: Railgun blasts organs out rather than gibing.
You'll zoom back out if EMPd while zoomed in.
Started the new HUD.
Added the beginnings of balance.

ß1: First release. WoD forums only until otherwise noted.

A bunch o' people at the forums. Particularly the WoD forums. I think that covers everyone. :P

ICQ: 22300588

All this stuff is ©Smoke39 2001, 2002. Don't steal any of my code, ideas, or, uh, other stuff. It's mine!

Now beat it! Go play the durned thing!

Téléchargement ...

UT99 files

21 Jan 2015, 01:55
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Inscription: 18 Fév 2013, 02:05
Messages: 198
Nouveau message Re: Ajout GameTypes BountyHunters BountyHuntersB8
C'est quoi le but du mode ? ^^ Sa a l'air fun.


26 Jan 2015, 18:52
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