Nouveau Anticheat Rare_And_Misc_Anticheats AntiNetHack23
Mise à jours du Anti_Netspeed_Change ( AntiNetHack).
Permet de suicider un joueur qui change son netspeed pendant le jeu et de la kiker automatiquement si il récidive.
Cette pratique génère du lag et permet d’être plus difficilement touché par les tirs adverses.
Nouveau il kik aussi ceux qui mettent volontairement un ping trop bas dés le départ Citation:
___ __ _ _ __ __ __ __ __
/ | ____ / /_(_) | / /__ / /_/ / / /___ ______/ /__
/ /| | / __ \/ __/ / |/ / _ \/ __/ /_/ / __ `/ ___/ //_/
/ ___ |/ / / / /_/ / /| / __/ /_/ __ / /_/ / /__/ ,<
/_/ |_/_/ /_/\__/_/_/ |_/\___/\__/_/ /_/\__,_/\___/_/|_|
Version 2.3
What is AntiNetHack?
This is a server mutator that stops people changing their netspeed
in-game. It will suicide anyone that tries. After a set amount of
attempts it will kick the offender.
It will also kick people for using too low netspeed.
Settings are set in the AntiNetHack.ini. They can be now set in-game.
Mutate AntiNetHack : give some info on settings and player list with netspeeds.
Admin Commands:
Mutate AntiNetHack set MinAllowedNetSpeed N : where N is 2600 <> 20000
Mutate AntiNetHack set CheckInterval N : how frequently checks are made in secs
Mutate AntiNetHack set NetSpeedKickCount N : number of netspeed changes to kick on
Mutate AntiNetHack set BigMessages N : whether to display big messages = 0, 1, 2
Put the lines:
in your server's ini
Then set up the AntiNetHack.ini:
CheckInterval How often checks are made in seconds. Default 3.
NetSpeedKickCount After how many times does someone get kicked for changing
netspeed. Default 5. 0 to not kick at all, although UTPure
will kick if you are running it.
MinAllowedNetspeed Players with less than this ns will be kicked.
BigMessages Which messages to display:
0 = off
1 = suicides for netspeed change
2 = 1 + kicks
Have fun.
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